¡Buen día mi querida familia!
So this Sunday was Branch Conference. It went really well. We had double the attendance that we normally do and 4 investigators in sacrament meeting. Good day I´d say. There was no time for the special musical number, but whatever, President Callan´s talk was better haha. He did such a good job, man, the guy is a stud. Pure inspiration. He called Sister Callan to the pulpit first thing and introduced her and gave her a chance to share her testimony before he gave his message. It was great, she did a good job. She just loves visiting the people. Then President gave his talk. It was really well. He talked about the goal of getting the big church built across the street in the empty terrain that we have. He gave them a list of ways to accomplish it. Then he was like "I want to ask the full-time missionaries to stand up for just a second". So Hermana Callan, Elder Martinez, and I stood up. And he was like "Ok thank you, sit back down". And then he was like "That question was really kind of a trap. I should have seen every one of you in this room on their feet, because yenno what? These 2 elders and my wife and I will come and go, but you members will stay here in your home ward building up the kingdom. Everybody here is a full-time missionary. So let me ask you again and see if the result changes. I´d like to ask that the full-time missionaries stand up" and everybody stood up that time. It was really helpful, that should motivate the members a lot. He gave a good talk, and everybody wanted to take pictures with him afterwards. All the young women were talking to Hermana Callan after the meeting and their families were bugging them that they wanted to go home and to leave the mission president´s wife alone hahah. But Hermana Callan loves talking to them, she´s just great. It went well.
One experience I want to share with everyone before I start on the Article of Faith for this week. I almost wasn´t going to share it, but I´ve decided that it´s alright and you all will benefit from it. I´m adapting it from my Saturday August 28th journal entry.